Helping People Help Themselves

Fresh fruits and vegetables
for everyone
Helping people is what it is all about. With so much available agriculture and gardening - the volunteers of ETGC work hard to make better use of the amazing bounty in East Tennessee. Through our connections to farmers and backyards we can extend the harvest and deliver even more nutritional foods to the families in our community.
Learning how to prepare and preserve our bounty!
At the ETGC we are not only concerned with connecting people to fresh, wholesome food - but in working to create innovative programs that ensure recipients of that bounty know how to prepare and preserve those foods. Avoiding waste at home and helping sustain a reliable source of wholesome food is our goal.

Farmers can help us and we can help them
Farms are the most important part. ETGC wants to save food that would otherwise go to waste. That includes seconds, after growth, imperfect items, spoiling produce that will not make it to market, and produce that will not be picked due to low market value.